Thursday, November 01, 2007

New Start

Stepped my foot at Star Event Company today, for the first time, 2 months internship,grr...
Well fist impression, superiors are nice, colleagues are nice, and everything nice, maybe it's the first day, everything seems fine...
I am looking forward to invloved myself into just anything that the company is dealing with, I wanna be as busy as I can, coz at this moment, I am just sitting down here, surfing the net and doing nothing...
Between, have anyone of you registered to Well the design is cute, I guess girls will love it so much, so if you are interested, go and do a slight survey,it won't take you long...

If anyone of you have registeredm add me at Jester85 ok?
Hope everyone is doing great in their internship ok? Muahhh!!

The cutie female version

The male version

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck & All the best on ur internship for the 2 months coming..hope the job can suits u..and I know u can do ur best..=P