Saturday, February 28, 2009


Woke up quite early on a Saturday morning, it's now not even 8am yet, how nice... :)
The morning was breezy, sitting on my desk, I can feel the breeze blowing in softly in my room, I feel fresh, for one morning...
Thinking forward, YTD Feb 2010, I won't be longer sitting in this room of mine, I would be already move in to the new place, and I'm gonna miss this place seriously, most of all, my dearies who are just blocks away to reach... If I were to live up till 100 years old, which I don't think it's possible and I don't really think I want to live that long, I actually already spent quarter of my life here in this tiny little hut, how could I not miss it...

I am taking a wild guess that, the leavers always felt much harder and emotional where the stayers don't get the impact so much, I can feel you when you said you were stoned for a while in your room when you got back, somehow deep down, you feel real sad...

But life goes on, no matter how many stay how many left, no matter you are a leaver or a stayer, life just goes on, and the important part is, we are all reachable, just if you are staying out of this globe, this planet, then that would be a totally different story.

Cheers people, have a great weekend.

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