The month of August just started, and I'm officially broke, again...
Yes spending a bit here and there, well that's what money are for right? I need better financial plannings, ish...
Right I bought myself a phone, not going to say which model but hell, I'm loving it hohoho...
While trying to clean the memory card from my old phone, found some pictures...
Here are some of the few pictures I snap during the JCI Award
Oh for those who has always known Firdy, this is your only chance to see him in formal, I mean formal as in nice suit and tie, darn good ok!
Cant resist that I die die also must take a picture with him, in his power armour,fuyoohhh!
Finally with the important man in Nuffnang, the country manager, whom Firdy claims that he smiles fakely taking pictures with me, wtf!
My latest etc thoughts are:-
The acne that are growing happily on my forehead
The books I bought but haven't even gotten the time to read them yet
The dust that my room is welcoming
The weight that I'm putting on so easier and freaking difficult to lose them
The jeans that I had since Form 3 might not fit my giant waist and butt
The clothing that I seldom wear eating up my wardrobe's space
The thought of how am I suppose to move all the stuff in my room to my new house when I shift
Someone claim that I have an army of teddies on my bed... Trust me, before I donated some to the orphanage, I guess it was an empire back then, but heck I did not buy them...
Was thinking shall I donate my armies or keep them? But these are some of the precious one though, decided to keep it.
I'm trying hard not to leave emo footprints on my blog anymore, and I realized I have nothing much to write, fts...
Next week... Supposedly it should be a blardy busy week for me and the rest of the nuffies, and if anyone of you are going for the movie screenings, I guess I can't join for District 9 (I wanted to watch this movie!), as I have to attend another function on the same day, blah~
RM 600+ for firdy's outfit ok!
hahahahhahahahaha, stupid KY!
KY, including underwear?
hoi hoi hoi!! wat phone u bought? lai lai share abit :P and grats ya, soon to moved into new house, it's very pek chek one when u have to pour out all stuffies u have and will be starting to flashing back to the history of your stuff. I get frustated too when i moved into my auntie house, it's very very pek chek!!
I knew what phone you has bought..
so canggih wan! hehehe
Gal,donate your all your unwanted stuff to orphanage cuz might be useful to them..if you don't throw the old once, the new once won't come in. =)
Same thoughts here on being broke. Hah!
Eh, what acne? I don't see any. And you look fine! :)
Who can fit into their 15 year old outfits anyway? I know I can't.
Dust...I haz it too. :(
Well you look great in your formal wear, really. (: Just take care yeah? I'm staying in hall just a block away from your wife, squatting in a friend's room. You take care ya?
*pats head*
'baby' you look gorgeousss!!! alongside my gorgeous friends too :P
haha i wonder if ppl wanna find out why u got another 'baby' one, adding to the current one that i suspected d .. so cute la u all!
Wow, Nic is now the country manager. Cool.
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