Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello 2012

Last day of 2011, looking back and thinking to myself, what a year. 
Ups and downs, many falls, struggled in putting myself back in 1 piece over and over again... Felt like I was sitting on a Mary go round, many miserable rounds on a same place same spot, can't more forward and it just keep spinning round and round.

Didn't think much about how am I going to end my 2011, thinking that it will be just as bad, no expectations, but it turns out to be the most wonderful happenings I ever have.

Met a group of new crazy friends.
Holiday wasn't wasted.
Reunion with some of my oldest friends in life.
Been waking up smiling.
Clear blue sky.
I met you. =)

Believing 2012 its going to be a year, full of hopes and dreams. A fresh and great start!
The journey begins!

Happy new year people and have a fantastic celebration! 


chunglern said...

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." ~ Dalai Lama

Good job, you made it happen. :)

F.R.E.D.Y said...

Nice pics! Did u took them?