Friday, July 17, 2009

Down with flu

I'm again down with flu, and tomorrow is my convocation...
Wonder why I felt tired thinking of convocation, thinking of the time and energy that's gonna be drain throughout the day, gaaah!

Wanted to wear mask but I can't breath properly, already having a nose blocked, wearing another mask is gonna be like a tunnel with no exit.

This was taken when I was down with flu last month..

Drown yourself with water people!
Yes drown is the word.


TikTsin said...

get well soon =)

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

Your convo ar...

Didn't tell me hahaha i might just go down for a look :P

Johnny Ong said...

how long did u wear that mask? people still frown at someone who wears a mask but in japan, its so common

§pinzer said...

wah even with mask ur so pretty :D

kingster said...

rest well..drink plenty water

dogbone! said...

Wah, auditioning for a role in a slasher flick erm? Try a hockey mask, they're more intimidating! ;)

R said...


Anonymous said...

take care

Jester said...

DLT2 : Phhew thank god I'm all good now, good seeing on that night though!

Jian: Meow~ It's a secret

Johnny : Hah how long, I guessed not even a day, and I didn't know the situation in Jap is that weird.. >.<

Spinzer: Got onot!! Hahaha thanks 'baby'

Kingster : yeap I'm all well now!!

Dogbone : Can onot? You will be the victim!

Robb: Updated boss!

Anonymous: Thank you so much :)